Conventional Power

1. Shell Oil Company (USA): Jordan Oil Shale Project

  • Local engineering services related to the study of Jordan 132KV grid and power supply from Jordan NEPCO utility. (2015-2016)
  • Test & Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance for a Local power generation plant at the pilot project site.

2. WAHA Oil Company (Libya): Gialo Power Plant

Future Energy Projects Development Co. provided the following services:
  • Short circuit study and Relay coordination study for the power generation plant and 138KV/ 13.8KV system.
  • Integration of a new GE Frame 5 GTG into the exiting power generation plant and the 138KV grid and plant DCS system.
  • Testing and commissioning of new 138KV /13.8KV system connecting the new GE Frame 5 GTG to the 138KV grid.

3. Water Authority (Jordan)

Performance and maintenance assessment of major pump station electrical and controls equipment operation and maintenance.    (2011).

4. AON Group: Mali 50MW HFO Fired power plant

Preliminary engineering and equipment selection for a 50MW HFO fired power plant.